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BASIC Source File
600 lines
'VBDB version 1.0 for Visual Basic 1.0 and Windows 3.0
'(C)1991 Marquis Computing. All Rights Reserved.
'Client interface module for VBDB version 1.10.
DefInt A-Z
Dim DBA_Data As String
Dim DBA_Mesg As String
Dim DBA_Stat As Integer
Dim ClientID As String
Const True = -1
Const False = 0
Sub StatusDBF (Handle, FileName$, dbftype$, DBTPtr, NumRecs&, NumFlds, RecLen, UpDate$, Status)
'Returns information about a database
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "STATUSDBF," + Str$(Handle)
'--- return values
If Status = 0 Then
ReDim Parsed(8) As String
ParseString DBA_Data, ",", Parsed()
FileName$ = Parsed(1)
dbftype$ = Parsed(2)
DBTPtr = Val(Parsed(3))
NumRecs& = Val(Parsed(4))
NumFlds = Val(Parsed(5))
RecLen = Val(Parsed(6))
UpDate$ = Parsed(7)
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseDBF (Handle, Status, Mode)
'Asks the DDE server to close a database file
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "CLOSEDBF," + Str$(Handle) + "," + Str$(Mode) 'use DDE
'--- return value(s)
Status = DBA_Stat 'set status
End Sub
Sub CloseNDX (Index, Status)
'Closes an index
'--- verify handle is valid
If Index < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "CLOSENDX," + Str$(Index)
'--- return value(s)
Status = DBA_Stat 'set status
End Sub
Sub CommitSTR (Handle, Status)
'Used to write the database header to disk
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "CREATEDBF," + Str$(Handle) 'use DDE
'--- return value(s)
Status = DBA_Stat 'set status
End Sub
Sub CreateDBF (NewDbfName$, Handle, Fld$(), Mode, Status)
'High level routine to create a then
'open a database. Combines the functions of
' OpenDBF,
' DefineSTR,
' CommitSTR,
' CloseDBF and
' OpenDBF
'all in one routine.
'NOTE: Database is defined based on array Flds$().
' I strongly urge you to use DefineDatabase
' to develop the Flds$() definition array
' for you!
'--- open file / erase exiting (if any)
OpenDBF Handle, Status, NewDbfName$, dbftype, 2
If Status Then Exit Sub
'--- get no. fields
NumFlds = Val(Fld$(0, 0))
'--- add fields
For FldNum = 1 To NumFlds
FldName$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(UCase$(Fld$(FldNum, 4))))
FldType$ = Left$(UCase$(Fld$(FldNum, 3)), 1)
FldLen = Val(Fld$(FldNum, 2))
Dec = Val(Fld$(FldNum, 1))
DefineSTR Handle, FldNum, FldName$, FldType$, FldLen, Dec
'--- save structure to file
CommitSTR Handle, Status
'--- close it
CloseDBF Handle, Status, 0
'--- open it up
OpenDBF Handle, Status, NewDbfName$, dbftype, Mode
End Sub
Sub DBAccess (CmdStr$)
'Low-level routine which actually does the DDE
'exchange with the server.
'--- check link
'If Not DBALinkUp() Then Exit Sub
'--- send DDE command
DBA.db.LinkExecute CmdStr$
'--- assign server response(s)
DBA_Data = DBA.db.Text
DBA_Mesg = DBA.message.Text
DBA_Stat = Val(DBA.errorstat.Text)
End Sub
Function DBALinkUp ()
'Returns True (-1) if a client-server database link
'is up, False (0) if link is down.
On Error GoTo LinkUpError
DBA.db.LinkExecute "Status"
DBALinkUp = -1
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
DBALinkUp = 0
On Error GoTo 0
Resume LinkUpErrorOut
End Function
Function DBALoaded ()
'Checks to see if server is already running --
'use DBALinkUp to see if DDE channel is
On Error GoTo VBDBLoadedError
AppActivate "VBDB"
On Error GoTo 0
DBALoaded = -1
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
DBALoaded = 0
Resume VBDBLoadedErrorOut
End Function
Sub DefineSTR (Handle, FldNum, FldName$, FldType$, FldLen, Decimal)
'Used to send information to the DDE server to
'define a database. It called once for each field.
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "DEFSTR," + Str$(Handle) + "," + Str$(FldNum) + "," + FldName$ + "," + FldType$ + "," + Str$(FldLen) + "," + Str$(Decimal)
'--- return value(s)
Status = DBA_Stat
End Sub
Sub GetFLD (Handle, Status, FldNum, FldName$, FldData$, RecData$)
'Returns a fields data from a database. FldNum has precedence
'over FldName$. FldNum indicates a field number to retrieve,
'if FldNum > 0. FldName$ indicates a field name to get, if FldNum
'is 0.
'Returns FldNum, FldName$, FldData$ and Status
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "GETFLD," + Str$(Handle) + "," + Str$(FldNum) + "," + FldName$ + "," + RecData$
'--- return value(s)
FldData$ = DBA_Data
Status = DBA_Stat
End Sub
Sub GetFLDS (Handle, Status, NumFlds, Flds$(), RecNum&)
'Returns the number of fields in a record and
'parses the record into an array. Faster than
'Using GetREC and then using multiple GetFLD
'calls. Passed RecNum& -- returns Flds$() which contains
'all the fields data.
DBAccess "GETFLDS," + Str$(Handle) + "," + Str$(RecNum&)
Status = DBA_Stat: If Status > 0 Then Exit Sub
ParseString DBA_Data, ",", Flds$()
NumFlds = Val(Flds$(1))
For X = 1 To NumFlds - 1
Flds$(X) = Flds$(X + 1)
End Sub
Sub GetKEY (Index, Status, Key$, Record&, Mode)
'Finds a key in an index
'--- verify handle is valid
If Index < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "GETKEY," + Str$(Index) + "," + Key$ + "," + Str$(Record&) + "," + Str$(Mode)
'--- return value(s)
If DBA_Mesg = "key found" Then
Record& = DBA_Stat 'record no. passed via stat
DBA_Stat = 0 'status is 0
Status = 0 ' " " "
Status = DBA_Stat
End If
Key$ = DBA_Data 'actual key found
End Sub
Sub GetREC (Handle, Status, Rec&, RecData$)
'Returns a DBF record from Handle in RecData$
'--- verify handle is valid
If Handle < 1 Then Status = 5: Exit Sub
'--- use DDE Server
DBAccess "GETREC," + Str$(Handle) + "," + Str$(Rec&)
'--- return value(s)
RecData$ = DBA_Data
Status = DBA_Stat
End Sub
Function InCount (StringToCount As String, Item As String) As Integer
'Counts up the number of times Item$ occurs in StringToCount$.
'Another interesting (to me) use of extra code to speed up a
'time-critical operation. Below, I use code short-circuiting
'techniques as well as loop counter modification and STEP
'options to make this FOR...NEXT loop the FASSSSTEST it can
'--- Get these now to save time later
Reps = Len(StringToCount$) 'size of string
ItemLen = Len(Item$) 'use this to be able to find blocks
'--- go for it
For X = 1 To Reps Step ItemLen 'STEP Item for speed!
'--- look for Item$
OffSet = InStr(X, StringToCount$, Item$)
If OffSet Then